Do you realize how much you can learn from one book of the Bible? We are studying 1 Thessalonians 1-5 in Bible Study. We have thoroughly studied
1. the background of this letter- who wrote it, why did he write it, when did he write it, etc.
2. what is true conversion?- the delivery of the gospel, evidence of their conversion, faith, love, hope
3.why there are not more exemplary conversions? are we not delivering God's gospel God's way?
4. witnessing- what are we to say, when are we to say it, how are we to say it, and why?
5. the respsonsibility to follow-up on someone you have lead to Christ.
6. prayer- Prayer is the most powerful force in the world today. It puts us in touch with God from who, through whom and to whom are all things.
7. Satan the tempter. Satan tempts us in through our weakness. He tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread right after Jesus fasted 40 days and nights in the wilderness. Jesus was able to resist, but are we?
This is just a SMALL part of what I have learned in the last 7 weeks and we have only touched chapters 1,2 and 3.
The last few chapters in this lesson are about lust, love, what happens after we die, and what our behavior should be toward those who are over us.
I invite you to study the Bible for yourself. Not just read it, but study it. It will not only bring you closer to God, but will increase your knowledge in His Word, which is so important for today. Find ALL your answers in the Bible, don't believe anything that you have been told by someone, unless you find it in the Bible. We need to stick with what the Bible says, carefully checking the CONTEXT of the Bible. Once you use the Bible out of context, it becomes PRETEXT. "And when you teach pretext, you become accountable before God for not handling the Word of God accurately. (James 3: 1,2; 2 Timothy:15; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15)"
I am excited to continue studying the BIble this way, hopefully for many more years to come. May God bless you in your studies also.
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