About a month ago, I went to our storage unit to get something out the fridge that we have running there. Yes, our storage is heated and has power! To my dismay, the fridge was not running, neither was it cold. I assumed, because it is an old fridge that we got for free, that it just kicked the bucket. So I emptied it out and left. Well, on Friday night, JOhn and I were going to town to do a few groceries and Donna asked us to pick up berries for the pancakes that she wanted to make for breakfast the next morning. Since, berries are so expensive, I thought that I would use the ones that I have in the freezer in the storage unit. Well, I closed that freezer lid faster then I opened it. I was mistaken when I thought that the fridge had kicked the bucket. Both the fridge and freezer was on the same plug, which had been nudged out the wall and so the fridge and freezer were no longer freezing. I think that it had been like this for a few months. As it was my fruit/veggie freezer, it had a strong fermented smell. It was already covered in mold too. So, we went back another day... prepared with garbage bags and gloves, and emptied out my moldy and soggy apple pies, carrots, beets, berries, cookies ( 1/2 batch of stroopwafels), icecream, juiced blackberries that we were saving to make into wine, etc. All I can say is that I am thankful that it wasnt the meat freezer! And I guess this fall, we are starting all fresh!
Anyways, I can't believe that it has already been 2 weeks since we came back from Chilliwack (post coming up). We had lots of fun there and although it was quite busy, we enjoyed seeing friends and family again. These last 2 weeks have been busy. I house clean 2-4 days a week, depending on the week and I still had my ladies fellowship on Thursday. The Tuesday ladies Bible study starts this week.
It is looking like we will be able to move into our own house (rental) by the end of March. I know it will be difficult for the girls to change school so late in the year, but they will make new friends fast! Maybe I should bribe Kersley school that if they give me a full time job as a teacher's aide, I will keep my girls in their school. (this school has been threatened to be shut down because it is so small)
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